Fishing Map:Glendo / McConaughy
Underwater Topography Map
price: $14.95
- Contours:5'
- Scale:1:55,000 / 1:24,360 (overview/detail)
- GPS Data:Yes
- Water Type:Fresh
- Region/State(s):Nebraska, Wyoming
- Price: $14.95
- UPC:761428 012463
3'x2' one-color underwater topography, waterproof, tear-resistant map which folds to 9" x 4".
5-foot and 10-foot underwater depth contours
Suggested Fishing Locations and Fishing Strategies Included
Numerous GPS Coordinates and Latitude and Longitude Grids Included
Boat Ramps and Onshore Facilities Identified
Onshore trees and brush identified
Roads and facilities updated
Lake outlines updated